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Winters: (530) 795-0500
Dixon: (707) 678-1022
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Carpets enhance the overall look and appeal of any space. They look comfortable and luxurious. However, carpet flooring needs proper care and upkeep to stay in top shape. Homeowners need to remain cautious about how they use carpets in everyday life. Carpet installation comes with a cost, and frequently replacing them is not feasible.
One of the factors that can damage the carpet or cause them to wear out prematurely is what you wear on your feet while walking on them. If you think your carpet is showing signs of wear and tear faster than it should, how you walk on them might be a potential cause.
Why going barefoot on the carpet is a bad idea
One common thing that carpet cleaning specialists often get asked is whether it is okay to go barefoot on the carpet. Although carpets may feel soft and comfortable, walking barefoot is not advisable. It is a common myth that several homeowners believe that going barefoot is the best way to keep the carpet clean. However, it is untrue, and walking barefoot can cause even more harm.
The sweat glands at the bottom of the feet naturally release moisture and oils, which sticks to the carpet fibers. The residue acts as a dirt magnet and penetrates deep into the carpet fibers, making it difficult to remove it even through vacuuming. The gradual soil buildup over time due to constant foot traffic can spoil the carpet’s appearance and performance and make it look unkempt and uncared for. Walking on the carpet after applying moisturizer has a similar effect. It leaves synthetic oil on the carpet surface that attracts dirt, dust, and grime.
We all know that wearing outside shoes on the carpet is a big no as they track in mud, dirt, dust, moisture, bacteria, and other contaminants from outdoors inside the home. Also, the hard soles can damage the carpet fibers and accelerate the wearing down process. Walking barefoot is no good either.
What is the best alternative to going barefoot on the carpet?
The best way to keep the carpet floor covering protected and prevent it from soiling is to wear clean socks or house slippers with soft soles instead of going completely barefoot. Homeowners can keep an extra pair of washed socks and slippers, which have never been worn outside, at the front door. Family members and guests can remove their dirty shoes at the door and switch to clean socks or comfortable slippers before keeping their feet on the carpet. This small habit can do wonders to your carpet's appearance and prolong its lifespan.
Other ways to keep your carpets clean and fresh
Prevention is the best way to keep dirt and dust off the carpet. Besides wearing the right foot attire, here are a few other things you can do to maintain your carpet’s appearance:
● Vacuum regularly
● Use a high-quality vacuum cleaner
● Clean any spills and treat stains as quickly as possible
● Keep doormats at the primary entrances
● Never use chemical cleaners
The best way to keep the carpets looking and performing at their best is to hire the services of an experienced carpet cleaning company. Carpet manufacturers generally recommend scheduling professional carpet deep-cleaning every 12 to 18 months (please refer to your manufactures warranty to see exactly how often it is recommended)
Give Casson & Son a call and we’ll be happy to come out and take care of it for you.
Davis/Woodland: (530) 756-1022
Winters: (530) 795-0500
Dixon: (707) 678-1022
Vacaville/Fairfield: (707) 454-0500