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Having a party and a friend or family member spills their glass of wine on your favorite carpet? Read on to discover a few life-changing hacks that could clean red wine stains from the carpet.
As tasty and divine as the red wine tastes, its stain can be stubborn and horrifying. Spilling wine on the carpet is never intentional. But there are instances when the desire to chill with your family or friends may result in some stressful incident. While the incident can’t be undone, there are ways to clean the mess like a pro. Read on to find out.
Act Quickly to Reduce Staining
Don’t wait for the guests to leave and the stain to darken and dry. Take quick action on the spill as it happens. Take a soft cloth and blot the area instead of rubbing it; rubbing will further spread it and shove it down deeper int the fibers. Wet the rag with some cold water and squeeze it over the stain, blot the area of the stain completely. Then try the next step below.
Add Some Salt
This trick is the main one recommended by Casson & Son Carpet Care. It has worked over and over for years by their customers and even their owners! Salt absorbs the wine residue that the blotting is not able to lift. Firstly, wet the area with some water by wetting a rag and squeezing it over the spot. Add a generous amount of salt to the stained area, about ½ to 1 inch piled on should do it. Cover with a cloth and carry on with your party. Remove the cloth once all your guests leave and check the next morning for crystalized salt. The salt crystals may turn into pinkish color, and the stain will vanish, then vacuum the crystallized salt. If the spot remails you can try a trick or two below to try to further reduce the stain.
Some Other Tricks to Try if the Salt Trick Doesn’t Work…
Old-School Club Soda Way
One of the traditional means to remove red wine stains is to use club soda. Carbonation in the soda helps in dissolving the wine pigmentation on the carpet. Pour a small amount of soda on the area and cover it with a piece of clean cloth overnight. Check the stain in the morning for lightening stain and repeat the process until it is removed completely.
A Combo of Dish Soap and Vinegar
White vinegar is a super ingredient used in every household, mostly for cleaning. Just like white wine, vinegar also neutralizes pigmentation. After blotting the area, create a solution of 1 tablespoon of soap, and white vinegar with 2 cups of tap water. Pour this solution slowly onto the stained area and blot it frequently until the stain starts getting lighter. According to the rigidity of the stain, add lemon juice to the solution as it acts as a cleaning agent. Repeat this step for 1-2 days until the stain is invisible.
Remove Wine with Some More Wine
No, it’s not a joke, interestingly, white wine can be used to neutralize the stains of red wine. White wine has enzymes that neutralize the stain and expedite the lightning process. Pour some white wine over the stained area and blot the surface with a damp cloth. The stain will start getting lighter as you pour and blot the area. Once the stain is 60-70 percent lighter, clean the area with a mild detergent. Make sure to blow dry the carpet on a cool setting (careful not to melt the fibers) and brush the carpet to correct the flattened area.
The Bottom Line
Treat the red wine stain as you treat its every sip, with love. Once you master the ways to clean off the red wine stains, spilling and cleaning will never be a headache. If you are still unable to remove some stains, you can connect with
carpet cleaning experts
Casson & Son Carpet Care.
Davis/Woodland: (530) 756-1022
Winters: (530) 795-0500
Dixon: (707) 678-1022
Vacaville/Fairfield: (707) 454-0500